Careers Team & Programme 

Our school has a critical role to play in preparing our young people for the next stage of their education or training and beyond. 
Our expectations are high, so every pupil is challenged appropriately and acquires the skills, knowledge and attitude for lifelong learning and that employer’s value. 

Introduction to our Careers Programme 

Our school has a critical role to play in preparing our young people for the next stage of their education or training and beyond. Our expectations are high, so every student is challenged appropriately and acquires the skills, knowledge and attitude that employer’s value.  
We recognise that an effective careers programme contributes to raising aspirations, improving motivation and overcoming barriers to success. Our careers programme is designed to help every young person to realise their potential and enhance their employability. They will learn the skills necessary to navigate and manage their own careers and contribute to the well-being of themselves, their families and the wider community. Pupils will have raised aspirations, have gained experience of meeting employers and workplace environments, be more adaptable and resilient and therefore be able to make more well-informed decisions about their transition pathways. 
Our Careers Team can be contacted by calling the school on 01793 332400 or via email:- 
Ben Vickery - Careers Lead - 
Lisa Baptiste - Head of Sixth Form - 
Jo Brierley - Assistant Head - 

Careers Education 

Work Experience Programme 

Career Related Activities 

Information for Parents/Carers 
Parent/carer involvement and support is essential for successful careers education, positive outcomes and transitions. Parent/carers are kept informed about Careers event through direct communication, email and text, and discussions with tutors or the Careers Lead.  
Events may include work experience placements, Career 1:1 interviews, Careers events, information evenings and the annual review (EHCP) process. 
We also encourage feedback from parents and carers regarding our Careers programme. 
Information for Pupils 
Our Careers programme will help pupils understanding themselves, their interests, abilities and aspirations and help them making informed choices about their future. They will understand the range of opportunities available to them when they leave school including paid employment, volunteering, further training or education opportunities, Apprenticeships and Traineeships. 
The Careers curriculum develops transferable employability skills to maximise the chances of gaining paid or voluntary employment when leaving school such as searching for jobs, writing your CV, making job applications and interview techniques. 
Information for Employers 
The majority of our pupils aspire to achieve paid (or voluntary) employment when they finish education. Some are also interested in gaining (inclusive) Apprentices and/or Traineeships. 
Crowdys Hill school welcomes partnerships with local employers for career and work-related opportunities including work experience, workplace visits, mentoring, Careers Fairs and Careers talks. 
If you feel you might be able to support or provide any of these careers related activities, including work experience, please contact: Ben Vickery, Careers Lead - email 
Information for School Staff 
All staff have a responsibility towards careers guidance. Pupils should be supported to develop skill and knowledge through specific careers lessons, enterprise activities, work experience and events, but also across all learning environments to highlight the future work skills they may be using in other subject lessons and the future careers those skills would suit. Staff are also responsible for ensuring pupils are made aware of available resources to help them make informed decisions about their future. 

The Gatsby Benchmarks 

Our careers programme is underpinned by the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks. 
These benchmarks are a framework of 8 guidelines that schools work towards to provide the best career provision for its students as possible: 
Benchmark 1: 
A stable careers programme 
Benchmark 2: 
Learning from career and Labour Market Information 
Benchmark 3: 
Addressing the needs of each student 
Benchmark 4: 
Linking the curriculum learning to careers 
Benchmark 5: 
Encounters with employers and employees 
Benchmark 6: 
Experiences of the workplace 
Benchmark 7: 
Encounters with further and higher education 
Benchmark 8: 
Personal guidance 
We regularly review our careers programme through the Compass evaluation tool against the Benchmarks and this data is then used to feed into our career’s development plan and drive future improvements. Please review our Careers (CEIAG) Policy detailing how Crowdys Hill School is working towards meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks and measuring the impact of the careers programme. 

Get in touch 

Get in touch 

If you have any questions about the above, please don't hesitate to contact us.