
If you have any Safeguarding concerns, questions or queries, our Designated Safeguarding Lead can be contacted on 07955 772 121

Safeguarding Staff 

The Government defines safeguarding as: 
Protecting children from maltreatment; 
Preventing impairment to children's health or development; 
Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; 
Taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcome. 
Personnel and direct dial phone number 
Designated Safeguarding Lead 
Mrs Smantha Sprules - 01793 312233 
Designated Deputy Safeguarding Lead 
Mrs Emily Hibbard - 01793 312276 
Deputy Safeguarding Leads 
Mrs Lisa Baptiste - 01793 312270 
Mr D Ballard - via 01793 332400 
Mrs Becky North - 01793 312258 
Mrs Kerry Pleasant (Mat Leave) - 01793 312278 
Mrs Rachel Russell - 01793 312257 
Mrs Kate Higham - 01793 312253 
Designated Safeguarding Governor 
Mrs Tracey Casey 
SBC Safeguarding Team 
Contact Swindon 
01793 464646 - Monday - Thursday 8.30am - 4.40pm 
Friday 8.30am - 4.00pm 
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub 
Out of hours Emergency Duty Service - 01793 466900 

Get in touch 

Get in touch 

If you have any questions about the above, please don't hesitate to contact us.