Sixth Form
Crowdys Hill Sixth Form curriculum allows our students to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to empower them to achieve their personal, academic and career aspirations, with “Learning for Life” at the heart of our curriculum.
We follow a core curriculum for all students with 2 pathways designed to support students next steps and future aspirations. The key focus is to support the students to become as independent as they can be.
Crowdys Hill Sixth Form is a post 16 provision based across 2 sites. Students who are working towards employment follow The Vocational Pathway which is based at North Star site of New College Swindon. “Crowdys at College”. Our school day starts at 9am and ends at 3pm with a 20 minute break and 1 hour for lunch.
Students who are working at or towards EL1 will follow our Foundation Learning Programme, which is based on the Crowdys Hill school site. Our school day starts at 9am and ends at 3.15pm with a 15 minute break and 40 minutes for lunch.
Foundation Learning
Based at Crowdys Hill School
Core Subjects
Functional English
Functional Maths
Personal Social and Health Care
Information & Communication Technology
Physical Education & Swimming
Independent Living Skills and Travel Training
Duke of Edinburgh's Award
Personal & Social Development
A highly structured programme to support the student with
more complex needs, studying life skills, as well as Maths and
English to work towards their EHCP outcomes.
Work Experience, employer interactions
and community engagements.
Vocational Learning
Based at North Star Campus, New College
Core Subjects
Functional Maths
Functional English
Personal Social Health Education
Information and Communication Technology
Physical Education & Swimming
Independent Living Skills and Travel Training
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
World of Work
English Speaking Board Entry Level 3
Work experience, employer interactions
and community engagement
Creative Industries Art/Media Entry Level 3
Hospitality and Catering Level 1 Award
Sport & Leisure Entry Level 3
Learning for Life
Our curriculum is rich in experiences, positive learning, building the feeling of self-worth in our pupils, and developing the love of learning.
At the heart of this learning is communication skills. We understand that the best way to ensure that our pupils feel part of their community, whether in school, home or in the world, is to promote their ability to communicate effectively to the best of their abilities.
Who teaches this curriculum?
How does the curriculum differ from mainstream schools?
Whilst we follow the national frameworks from year 1 to year 14, they are highly adapted and differentiated to meet the needs of our pupils. We understand that our pupils learn key concepts at different points in their life, which may not follow the age expected trend. We ensure that all of our pupils can access all areas of the curriculum through adaptations to content, resources, and experienced SEN trained staffing. So whilst a pupil’s timetable may look similar to a mainstream one, within that are many opportunities for pupils to acquire new skills, succeed in education; and, most importantly for any child, to build resilience. We have a focus on communication skills, and developing their abilities to socialize as a priority.
Functional Skills (English/Maths) are the fundamental English and Maths skills that people need for their working and personal lives. Students can study for the qualifications in practical ways and apply core skills to real-life situations.
World of Work/Careers
World of Work Programme has been set up with the ultimate aim of gaining paid employment for students who have the drive and desire to work. As well as supporting students with work experience placements, they are given support in all aspects of employment from writing their CVs to how to search for vacant jobs. Each class runs an enterprise project with a focus on collaboration.
Duke of Edinburgh
All our students participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award, it is incorporated into their curriculum. The Duke of Edinburgh Award is available to 14-24 year olds and it is the world’s leading Youth Achievement Award. It equips young people for life regardless of their background, culture, physical ability, skills or interests. This award is a personal challenge and not a competition against others; it pushes young people to their personal limits and recognises their achievements.
Wellbeing is built into our foundations and is vital at this stage of your child’s life. If not emotionally in the right place, students will not participate and learn to the best of their ability – we understand the importance of identifying and using own strategies as well as building resilience and self-esteem in order to help prepare students for their future.
The focus of PE at Post-16 is to create a love for being active. We aim to introduce students to a wide variety of sports and link with community clubs wherever possible to provide ongoing pathways for the future.
ICT This is embedded within the curriculum and provides students with the opportunities to learn about a range of topics ranging from basic programming to internet safety.
PSHE This is delivered through both standalone lessons and also embedded in to other lessons where appropriate. Areas covered range from relationships to puberty.
If you have any questions about our school's values and ethos, please don't hesitate to contact us.