Timetables 2024-2025 



Crowdys Hill School is a large SEN school based in Swindon for pupils with a range of SEN needs aged 5 to 19. Within our school we have a large team of staff who have a wide range of experience working with pupils with SEN and are able to use their knowledge and skills to support all pupils from all age groups. As a school we follow the THRIVE approach and we believe a three-way partnership of pupils, school and parents is vital to enable all children to succeed and aspire to be their best . Throughout the school we are dedicated to maintaining strong values and high standards well following our ethos of ‘Learning for Life’. 
Pupils at Crowdys Hill are supported to succeed in all subjects, whilst learning skills to become independent learners. As well as a broad academic curriculum, Crowdys Hill offers a wide range of therapies and interventions to support the needs of the individual pupil and support our whole school 'Learning for Life' ethos. These provide the foundations and skills that enable pupils to progress and ultimately develop into well rounded you adults who will be able to succeed positively in society. 

Learning for Life 

Our curriculum is rich in experiences, positive learning, building the feeling of self-worth in our pupils, and developing the love of learning. 
At the heart of this learning is communication skills. We understand that the best way to ensure that our pupils feel part of their community, whether in school, home or in the world, is to promote their ability to communicate effectively to the best of their abilities. 

Who teaches this curriculum? 

In the primary phase the staff to pupil ratios are higher, as we are just beginning to build independence. On average classes have ratios of 1:2 at key stage 1, and 1:3 at key stage 2. 
In the secondary phase, as a pupil’s learning engagement and independence skills are improving, the staffing ratios change to 1:5 on average. Tutors get to know their pupils very well. In primary phases, the tutors usually have their tutees for two years. They will teach them for most lessons. 

How does the curriculum differ from mainstream schools? 

Whilst we follow the national frameworks from year 1 to year 14, they are highly adapted and differentiated to meet the needs of our pupils. We understand that our pupils learn key concepts at different points in their life, which may not follow the age expected trend. We ensure that all of our pupils can access all areas of the curriculum through adaptations to content, resources, and experienced SEN trained staffing. So whilst a pupil’s timetable may look similar to a mainstream one, within that are many opportunities for pupils to acquire new skills, succeed in education; and, most importantly for any child, to build resilience. We have a focus on communication skills, and developing their abilities to socialize as a priority. 

The Arts 

At Crowdys Hill School, we fully value creativity and we help it grow, individually, in each of our learners and teachers, across all the phases. 
With every person being unique, we find ways and give time for each individual to learn and grow the creativity within them. As a human it is of upmost importance to express ourselves. 
At Crowdys Hill School, we teach and grow this, so that each of our learners can live a healthy life inside and out. We teach art, drama and music, in groups through practical experience and hands on learning, so that each individual can express themselves creatively and honestly through whichever artistic form they wish, to become the most authentic and best self that they can be. 


Students need literacy in order to engage with the written word in everyday life. Think of how often you use your own reading skills in everyday life. It’s not just information like this one that require literacy knowledge, but signs, labels, messages on your phone. The same goes for writing. Nowadays, even phone calls have given way to instant messaging and text-based communication, making the ability to read all the more important. 
At Crowdys Hill English lessons are fun, practical and more importantly suited to the student’s individual needs. We hope that through our English lessons we are able to develop the skills needed for the students, to be able to communicate confidently both in school and in the community. 
Students are taught through a range of texts suited to their ability and reading ages. All students take part in 3 weekly phonic sessions until they reach Level 6 and then will receive group sessions on SPAG (spelling, punctuality and grammar). English is strongly linked with SALT so that students are given the resources needed to participate in all sessions i.e., visuals, now and next boards and communication boards. This allows all students to take part to their full potential. 
In Key stage 4 students prepare and work towards sitting a Functional English Exam. This allows students to work towards grades which will enable them to continue studying at local colleges or stay at Crowdys Hill Sixth Form where they will work on entering Level 1 Functional exams, which will help them to go to college when they are 18 or help them to gain employment in the local area. 

Careers and PSHE 

Our school has a critical role to play in preparing our young people for the next stage of their education or training and beyond. Our expectations are high, so every student is challenged appropriately and acquires the skills, knowledge and attitude for lifelong learning and that employer’s value. 
We recognise that an effective careers programme contributes to raising aspirations, improving motivation and overcoming barriers to success. Our careers programme is designed to help every young person to realise their potential and enhance their employability. They will learn the skills necessary to navigate and manage their own careers and contribute to the well-being of themselves their families and the wider community. Students will have raised aspirations, have gained experience of meeting employers and workplace environments, be more adaptable and resilient and therefore be able to make more well informed decisions about their transition pathways. 
The aims of our personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education in our school are for our pupils to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships, and to build their self-belief. Our PSHE curriculum will provide them with opportunity to explore this in detail in a safe learning environment. Staff will promote emotional wellbeing and equip pupils with ways to support their personal development. Pupils will develop skills and knowledge of things that matter to them now and into the future. 
The PSHE curriculum is split into 6 learning areas: 
Self Awareness 
Changing and Growing 
Healthy Lifestyles 
Managing Feelings 
Self Care, Support and Safety 
The World I Live In 
We have used the SEND framework from the PSHE Association to support our curriculum coverage to ensure we cover content that is appropriate for our pupils and also includes the statutory RSE (relationships and sex education) requirements. Lessons will include a selection of activities to engage pupils in their PSHE learning, including discussion, roleplay, film clips, guest speakers, the use of floorbooks for collaborative written pieces and independent reading and writing. 


Cookery at Crowdys Hill School is tailored to be a vibrant, varied, multi-cultural and inclusive subject. Our aim is to equip the children with the skills and knowledge to be able to prepare and cook food for themselves. Food tasting to expand their experiences is offered. The environment in the kitchen is relaxed to encourage enjoyment in cooking food they can share with their families. They learn about nutrition so they are able to make informed choices about their diet. In Year 11 there is the option to take an industry recognised qualification so all their hard work is recorded. In sixth from students can opt to further develop their skills and knowledge by taking Hospitality and Catering. A nationally recognised qualification, the course provides opportunities to develop a range of techniques, skills and personal attributes essential for successful performance at higher vocational qualifications or in working life. 


We teach and promote the learning of Maths to ensure all pupils see an everyday use for the learning that happens in lessons. It’s important we develop confidence to use Maths in everyday life within the community using problem solving and reasoning for everyday tasks. 
Visits, simulations and other practical activities where students can practice and apply their knowledge are an essential way we help pupils become more confident by improving memory of their number skills. 
Staff will build on the children’s individual prior knowledge, developing a sense of number using a broad and practical curriculum where mathematical concepts are revised and revisited throughout the year. 

Humanities (Project) 

We teach humanities through six projects throughout the year. All year groups from EYFS to Year 11 will explore the same projects. Terms 1, 3 and 5 will focus on Geography while terms 2, 4 and 6 will explore History. 
In Geography, children will explore local areas, different countries, cultures and map skills. In history they will explore how they are making history and their family’s part in it, a variety of different historical figures and different conflicts that have shaped the World we live in. 
The projects are broad terms to allow for the teaching and learning to be individualised for every child and their needs. There is lots of repetition allowing for revisiting and consolidation. The humanities scheme of work has been sequenced following elements of the national curriculum and Crowdys Hill Learning for life skills. By having humanities embedded within project it allows for cross-curricular learning and further consolidation of skills and knowledge. 
Humanities help children to investigate and explore the World around them as well as develop their own way of seeing the world, where they belong in it and own identities. It gives them an opportunity to examine different cultures, democracy and rules. It further allows them to develop an understanding of concepts such as time, space and faith while using critical and creative thinking. 
Term 1 - World around us 
Term 2 - Ourselves and our family 
Term 3 - People of the World 
Term 4 - Important people 
Term 5 - Out and about 
Term 6 - Cause and consequence 

Physical Education 

Every pupil within Crowdys Hill school will be provided with access to one to two hours of high-quality Physical Education led by confident, well qualified coaches/teachers. 
At all key stages pupils will experience activities from each of the 6 key areas of the National Curriculum i.e. Gymnastics, Team games, Dance Outdoor and Adventurous activities, Athletics and Swimming. All activities follow progressive and sequential schemes of work and align with a clear assessment system. Lessons are mostly practical with some theory elements which increase in KS4 and 5 where there are opportunities for accreditation. 
Pupils have regular opportunities to take part in intra school competitions, have access to some extra-curricular clubs and increasing opportunities will be sought for inter school competition. PE has a heightening profile within the school with success being celebrated and everyone having the opportunity to experience success. 
Our aim is to help each student achieve their physical potential and gain a love for physical activity which will contribute to their ongoing healthy, active lifestyle. 


We teach Science from early years, through exploring the world around them, to year 11. Science themes continue into Sixth Form as functional concepts linked to their PSHE and vocational courses, such as leisure, sports, hospitality and health and social care. 
The science is focused on individual needs, and sequenced through linking to national curriculum. There is a lot of repetition, which gives staff the opportunity to fill in gaps in learning, and for the children to consolidate and build upon their learning. 
Science is presented as written work, laboratory work, investigations, outdoor learning and discussions. Educational support is used to ensure all can access. 
The aim is for children and young people to have a curiosity and interest in the world around them, and have some understanding of the way things work. 

Get in touch 

Get in touch 

If you have any questions about our school's values and ethos, please don't hesitate to contact us.