
Cognition and Learning 
Teachers and TAs support are SEN trained staff for all lessons. 
All staff trained in AET. 
All staff trained in communication strategies. 
Visual schedules used daily in lessons. 
Weekly reading sessions. 
Small class sizes, up to 13, to minimize noise levels and reduce anxieties in the classroom. 
Extra adults in all classes. 
Small class sizes with SEN trained TAs to allow focused support as needed in lesson. 
Highly differentiated curriculum to support the need for comfort breaks, and sensory breaks. 
Highly adapted curriculum to maximise independence and accessibility in all lessons. 
Weekly literacy support session focused on reading skills. 
Dyslexia friendly work used in all academic lessons. 
Numeracy support through use of specialist equipment in lessons. 
Regular daily access to visual cues, prompts, chunking and repetition throughout lessons daily. 
Curriculum adapted from national curriculum to allow independent access. 
Weekly/daily access to alternative methods of recording, such as IT/whiteboards/ iPads/ iPods. 
A wide range of literacy interventions, timetabled into week. 
Targeted literacy support for individuals as needed. 
High level of adult ratios in class, 1:1. 
High levels of adult support in class, 1:3. 
Targeted literacy support sessions additional to the timetabled programme 
Regular, daily access to AAC technology as needed, and supported by AAC specialist. 
Equipment to allow all pupils access to all sessions. 
Communication and Interaction 
Social communication skills developed through access to social skills support sessions. 
Social communication developed through PSHE. 
Social communication developed through weekly THUNK assemblies. 
Social skills developed through social sessions for specified groups. 
Social communication encouraged and developed through weekly drama lessons. 
Social communication skills are modelled throughout the day by all staff. 
Advice from SALT followed by all staff, strategies used to promote. 
All staff trained in communication strategies. 
All staff trained in intensive interactions. 
Most teaching staff trained in attention autism. 
Most staff trained in use of specific communication strategies. 
Some staff trained in use of Signalong. 
On site speech and language therapist, to observe and advise in lessons. 
Rapid response from our SALT on site. 
Integrated Speech and Language support in the class room using a total communication approach. 
Speech and Language Therapy weekly support. 
Lego communication sessions. 
Small Weekly group session with SALT and specialist support. 
Targeted weekly small group session with trained SALT 
Use of AAC as advised. 
Specialist equipment to allow all pupils to access all sessions. 
Social, Emotional and Wellbeing 
Modelling of appropriate responses daily, as needed. 
Weekly access to targeted mental health practitioner. 
All staff trained in using a THRIVE approach. 
School counsellor to advise staff of strategies to use in class. 
PSHE and RSE classes weekly to consolidate and emphasise understanding of friendships and relationships. 
Attention Autism sessions. 
Access to school counsellor as needed. 
Weekly access to school mentor. 
Daily access to mentor. 
Weekly access to behaviour support sessions. 
Daily access to behaviour support sessions. 
Weekly support from our Pastoral Support Manager. 
1:1 support daily in all lessons. 
1:1 support for: mornings; breaktimes; lunchtimes; after-school. 
Escort between lessons. 
Social session’s specific to pupil as needed. 
Access to TaMHS as needed. 
Emotional regulation sessions as needed. 
Trained SEMH staff to work as needed with pupils. 
Behaviour Support Manager to liaise and advise with. 
Social, emotional aspects of learning support sessions, weekly. 
Weekly social skills support sessions by specialist TA. 
THRIVE intensive interventions if needed. 
Sensory and Physical 
All lessons taught by ASC trained staff. 
All lessons taught by SEN trained staff. 
Staff trained in using sensory equipment, and sensory balancing strategies. 
Access to sensory toys, breaks and/or other sensory equipment as needed. 
SPARKS programme weekly. 
SPARKS programme daily. 
Highly differentiated PE to develop coordination and proprioceptor and vestibular senses. 
Motor skills developed through weekly PE lessons which focus on gross motor skills and coordination. 
Physical health encouraged through Sixth Form leisure and Sports course. 
Primary and KS3- swimming on a rota. 
Fine motor skills developed through weekly handwriting support sessions. 
Weekly access to the sensory room with support TA. 
Daily access to the sensory room with the support TA. 
Access to occupational therapist three times yearly. 
Advice from OT shared and used by staff for all lessons as needed. 
School OT advising whole classes. 
Access to hearing impairment specialist teacher, and strategies shared by all staff. 
Access to visual impairment specialist teacher, and strategies shared by all staff. 
Development of proprioceptor senses through weekly drama sessions. 
Development of proprioceptor senses through daily/ weekly wake up shake up programmes. 
Planned sensory activities daily/ weekly. 
In Primary - weekly hydrotherapy. 
Specialist equipment, such as wobble cushions, move’n’sit, writing slopes. 
All areas of the school accessible for wheelchair users. 
Trained TAs to support physical needs. 
Trained TAs to support medical needs. 
Access to hearing impairment support as needed. 
Access to visual impairment support as needed. 
In Primary - rebound therapy. 
Physiotherapist three times yearly visit to school. 
Advice from physiotherapist followed by all staff. 
Support sessions weekly from specialist physiotherapist TA. 
Weekly ASC support sessions from specialist TA. 
Weekly motor skills support sessions from specialist TA. 
Access to hydrotherapy pool as advised by OT. 
Individual health care plan support as advised. 
Individual personal care support as advised. 
Individual medical care support as advised. 

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If you have any questions about our curriculum, please don't hesitate to contact us.