
Crowdys Hill School is very special. 
We have just over 320 pupils on roll with a wide range of needs. We support children and young people with an EHCP, whose primary needs are cognition and learning with communication and interaction needs. 
All of our pupils have communication needs with varying abilities. Every need and support offer is individual. 
We have Primary, Secondary and Sixth Form pupils here. 
They follow an adapted National Curriculum, with an emphasis on breaking down their barriers to learning. They receive all of the same opportunities that a neurotypical pupil would in school. We offer a broad curriculum, with a frequent offering of trips and community activities. 
From Primary, where the emphasis is on building their ability to attend to their learning, to Sixth Form where the emphasis is on building up their skills to gain employment, or be as independent as they can be, our pupils are stretched and challenged. 
Our young people move on to employment, college courses, or social care with community links. 
Have a look at our more detailed provision information if you are interested in our school. 

Communication & Interaction  

We offer... 

Social communication skills developed through access to social skills support sessions. 
Social communication developed through PSHE. 
Social communication developed through weekly THUNK assemblies. 
Social skills developed through social sessions for specified groups. 
Social communication encouraged and developed through weekly drama lessons. 
Social communication skills are modelled throughout the day by all staff. 
Advice from SALT followed by all staff, strategies used to promote. 
All staff trained in communication strategies. 
What do we offer all pupils at Crowdys Hill School? 
(Extra support as advised by SENDCo/ Assistant SENDCo) 
Modelling of appropriate responses daily, as needed. 
Strategies from THRIVE used by staff to reduce anxieties in school. 
Weekly access to targeted mental health practitioner. 
All staff trained in using a THRIVE approach. 
School counsellor to advise staff of strategies to use in class. 
Weekly wellbeing lessons, incorporated into PSHE sessions. 
PSHE and RSE classes weekly to consolidate and emphasise understanding of friendships and relationships. 
Tutor time used to address social or relationship issues arising. 
Adapted physical education sessions; and sport and leaisure sessions in Sixth Form. 
In primary and some KS3 classes - weekly yoga sessions. 
Attention Autism sessions. 
Access to school counsellor as needed. 
Use Zones of regulation. 
All staff trained in intensive interactions. 
Most teaching staff trained in attention autism. 
Most staff trained in use of specific communication strategies. 
Some staff trained in use of Signalong. 
Signalong used in primary. 
On site speech and language therapist, to observe and advise in lessons. 
Rapid response from our SALT on site. 
Integrated Speech and Language support in the class room using a total communication approach. 
Staff trained to use communication strategies for the classroom. 

Extra Support 

Extra support, as advised by SENDCo/Assistant SENDCo: 
Small Weekly group session with SALT and specialist support. 
Targeted weekly small group session with trained SALT. 
Use of AAC (augmented assistive communication) as advised. 
Specialist equipment to allow all pupils to access all sessions. 

Autism Support 


Numeracy Support 

Phonics Interventions 



Get in touch 

Get in touch 

If you have any questions about our school's values and ethos, please don't hesitate to contact us.