School Uniform and Equipment
It is our policy that all students should wear uniform when attending school, or when participating in a school-organised event outside normal school hours.
promotes a sense of pride in the school;
engenders a sense of community and belonging towards the school;
is practical and smart;
identifies the students with the school;
prevents students from coming to school in fashion clothes that could be distracting in class;
makes students feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance;
is regarded as suitable wear for school and good value for money by most parents;
is designed with health and safety in mind.
Compulsory school uniform items are only available to purchase through the school via the ParentPay portal or Michaels Workwear in Gorse Hill, Swindon. The compulsory uniform items for primary (purple) and secondary (navy blue) are polo shirts and sweatshirts with the school logo. We also offer cardigans and hoodies with the school logo on, but these are optional.
Other uniform items, which can be bought from supermarkets and other sources for primary and secondary include:
Black trousers or black jogging pants. Black long shorts, preferably tailored can be worn in the summer term.
Black knee length skirt, tights or socks.
Black shoes or trainers, some logo/colour allowed but must be mostly black.
Coats should be provided in cold weather.
Hoodies, other than our uniform ones, are not permitted in school (these will be kept by the tutor until the end of the day).
Students in the Primary may wear purple gingham summer dresses in the summer term, this is optional.
Uniform your child has grown out of and still has some wear left in it can be donated back to the school to be passed onto other students. We do not charge for second-hand uniform we pass on.
Sixth Form students do not wear uniform. They are expected to dress in comfortable appropriate clothing.
On health and safety grounds we do not encourage students to wear jewellery. If students have facial piercings, we will ask them to cover them with a plaster during the school day to prevent them from causing injury either to themselves or others. If they wear dangly earrings they will need to remove these. Children (under 16) should not have other piercings. The school takes no responsibility for loss of jewellery on the school site.
The school welcomes students from all backgrounds and faith communities. If there are reasons, for example on religious grounds, why parents want their child to wear clothes that differ from the school uniform, the school will look sympathetically at such requests. These should be made directly to the headteacher.
We ask all parents to support the school uniform policy.
School uniform is available to buy through the school via ParentPay and from Michaels Workwear, Gorse Hill, Swindon – speak to Miss Topp for details:
We sell our new uniform items at the lowest cost possible.
In precis:
Primary School
Purple sweatshirt/hoody; and polo shirt with school logo - both compulsory items
Black trousers/black joggers/black long shorts/ black knee length skirt
Secondary School
Navy blue sweatshirt/hoody/cardigan; and polo shirt with school logo - both compulsory items
Black trousers/ black joggers/ black long shorts/ black knee length skirt
Sixth Form
Pupils do not wear school uniform
PE Kit
A Plain T-shirt/vest OR a T-shirt in your house colour available through the school (optional)
Plain Shorts/Tracksuit trousers
Swimming trunks/one piece costume
No aerosols allowed in school.
No fizzy drinks in school.
No energy drinks in school.
No phones allowed in school, these must be handed in on the entry to school.
Electronic items or other valuables brought in by pupils are kept at their own risk. The school is not responsible for loss of such items.
Pens and Pencils
We encourage students to bring a pen, pencil, rubber and coloured pencils of their own to school. There is no obligation on your part to do this and your child will not be penalised if he/she does not have them. These are available for use in every class.
Personal Belongings
All personal belongings should be clearly marked with the child’s name. Any money should be handed in to the class tutor /admin officer for safekeeping. Valuable items such as phones or handheld games consoles must NOT be brought into school. Parents should note that the school cannot accept liability for the loss or damage of personal property. Please discourage your child from bringing in items unless they are needed for them to access their education.