Home Schooling
Welcome to our remote learning page. Your child is always welcome to come into school. If you are accessing these pages, then your child’s absence has been agreed by the Headteacher. Please talk to your child’s tutor to ensure that you are able to access all of our resources, and have the support you need.
The school can supply you with an iPAD or laptop for your child to use. Please contact the school to discuss this.
If you can’t find what you need on these pages, please contact your child’s tutor in the first instance.
Use the links below to access websites offering online activities.
Online Learning
At Crowdys Hill we have subscribed to a number of online learning sites for our students.
Login details for these sites have been sent home to parents via the post – please contact the school if you would like a reminder.
Purple Mash
Bug Club

If you have any questions about our curriculum, please don't hesitate to contact us.